The Conference fee for oral or poster presenters (authors and co-authors) is EUR 40. The fee covers all conference materials, possibility for the peer-reviewed article edited and published in the referred research journal, presentation and participation in Conference events.
Name of Account Holder: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Address: SaulÄ—tekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
Bank: AB SEB “Vilniaus bankas”, Vilnius, Lithuania
Bank address: Gedimino str. 12, LT-01103 Vilnius, Lithuania
Bank account (IBAN): LT767044060000317763
Bank code (SWIFT): CBVILT2X
Payment purpose: Fee for registration to the conference “ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICE AND EDUCATION”.
Please indicate: Name, Surname, personal identification number.
Please provide a copy of the payment receipt to e-mail: Participation in the conference shall be verified and articles shall be accepted subsequent to full payment of the conference fee.